Monday, February 13, 2012

It's Live!

You can now pre-order TowerClimb and play the latest Beta! When you buy the game, you should receive an automated email with your login credentials, which you can then use to sign in and download the game. The game comes with a pdf instruction file to help you learn the basics.

For those who pre-order, if you don't receive your email right away (because of an error with the automated system), email me ( , or and I will give you your account in the morning.

Cheers everyone! And I hope you enjoy TowerClimb!

(And yes, the new site is still a bit raw, but I wanted to release the game ASAP.)

Friday, January 27, 2012


This past week I sat down and worked like a maniac on the back end of my website. I'm pleased to say that all the features (database and website stuff) necessary for the beta are done. Beta members are now registered with the site and are able to securely download the latest version of the game, as well as comment on posts on the new blog. Now all I have to do is polish up the game a little bit so you guys can start testing! The game will probably be released next week, and from then on I will be able to update the game with new stuff periodically.